July 20, 2024

Hello, my dearest

My name is Mrs. Theresa Brown. I am a dying woman who has decided to donate  sum of $7,000,000.00 what she has to a reliable individual who will act as I will instruct her here.

I am 69 years old and was diagnosed with cancer about 3 years ago. I have been touched by God to donate what I have inherited from my late father to you for the good work of God rather than allow my uncle to use my father’s hard-earned funds ungodly.

I will be undergoing an operation in London, and I pray that I survive the operation. I have decided to will the sum of $7,000,000.00 (seven million United States dollars only) deposited in De Nederlandsche Bank to you for the good work of the Lord, the orphanage, the needy, and to help the motherless.

Presently, I have informed my doctor, Dr. John Kelvin, about my decision to give this fund to a reliable individual. You are to get back to me immediately if you are interested in carrying out this task so that I can instruct you on how to get in touch with my doctor.

Lastly, I know I have never met you, but to fulfill this, which borders me most, and because I got your email address through my search on the Internet, my mind tells me to inform you about this, and I hope you act sincerely. Please get back to me immediately.

God bless you.
Mrs. Theresa Brown

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