July 22, 2024

Equity and Justice Office, plot 234 GRA Apapa
Lagos, Nigeria.
EMAIL: (barrister.raymond0009@gmail.com)

My name is Barrister Raymond Okoro (Esq), I got your contact information from a reputable business/professional directory of your country which gives me assurance of your legibility as a person while trying to get a good and capable business for both business and investment purposes. like I said, I am Barrister Raymond Okoro. (Esq.) I was the Personal Attorney to late Mr. Morris Thompson an American who was a businessman in my country Nigeria but unfortunately he died in an air crash of Bellview Airlines Flight 261 which crashed on October 22, 2005,including his wife and only daughter. Before the crash, Mr. Morris Thompson made a fixed
deposit value of $50,000,000.00USD (FIFTY MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS) with the FIDELITY BANK OF NIGERIA Upon maturity several notice was sent to him, but there where no response. After a months or two found out that Mr. Morris Thompson and his family died in the plane crash that happened.

Further investigation being his personal attorney, proved that Mr. Morris Thompson’s one and only next of kin was his daughter who died with him in the crash. I have made several contacts for any of his relative or family member but there is no response coming forth What borders me most is that according to the laws of my country at the expiration of 8 years the funds will revert to federal government treasury account (FEDERAL REPUBLIC NIGERIA  GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT) if nobody applies to claim the funds. Against this backdrop, I needed a foreigner to assist me in getting this fund out from the government account because due to bad leaders we have in Africa, this fund will not be utilized but will be diverted into personal account of famous and top politicians in the country rather than using it for proper investment that will promote growth and development in the country or rather for charity work. So please I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Mr. to my late client Mr. Morris Thompson


I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we shall come out successfully. As a barrister, I will prepare the necessary documents that will back you up as the next of kin to Mr. Morris Thompson and the most important thing needed is truth and truth for us to have it done.. PLEASE WHAT IS TO PROVIDE ME WITH YOUR  FULL INFORMATION SUCH AS STATED BELOW, SO THAT I WILL PREPARE THE NEEDED LEGAL  DOCUMENTS

[1] NAME:
[3] AGE:
[4] SEX:
[6] FAX:

Also be informed that this Transaction will take us just 5-10 working days only to accomplish beginning from when I receive the above information and you have been made the next of kin, I will file an application to the bank on your behalf as soon as I secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the
movement of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. This process is 100% risk free as I have set out all the moralities to see that a legal and legitimate process is applied because I will prepare all the necessary legal documents.

Please note that utmost secrecy and confidentiality is required at all times during this transaction. Once the funds have been transferred into your nominated bank account we WILL SHARE IT  IN THE RATIO of 50% for me, 45% for you and the balance 5% will be use to pay for any expenses incurred in getting the fund released to you. I will prefer that you reach me via this email address

Your earliest response to this offer will be appreciated.

Best Regards
Barrister Raymond Okoro
Thanks and God Bless You”

About Author

2 thoughts on “RAYMOND OKORO & ASSOCIATES SOLICITORS AND ADVOCATES Equity and Justice Office, plot 234 GRA Apapa Lagos, Nigeria. EMAIL: (barrister.raymond0009@gmail.com)

  1. Greetings,

    We are direct gold and diamond seller, we are ready and able to deliver the consignment with the following specifications

    Commodity: Gold Bars/ Nugget
    Purity : 97.6% pure,
    Carat : 23.48+ct
    Quantity: 11,860 Kilograms
    First Delivery : 500 to 1000 Kilograms
    Price per Kg: Thirty Thousand United States Dollars ($ 30,000), CIF Price
    Packing: Packed in metal boxes suitable for Airfreight
    Shipment: By Airfreight
    Destination: Buyer’s Choice (Free Zone)

    kindly get back to me if we can work together. We will discuss our terms once I hear from you.
    I am looking forward to hear from you.
    Best regards,
    Mr. David Ngadama.
    Email: ta7338612@gmail.com

  2. Greetings,

    We are direct gold and diamond seller, we are ready and able to deliver the consignment with the following specifications

    Commodity: Gold Bars/ Nugget
    Purity : 97.6% pure,
    Carat : 23.48+ct
    Quantity: 11,860 Kilograms
    First Delivery : 500 to 1000 Kilograms
    Price per Kg: Thirty Thousand United States Dollars ($ 30,000), CIF Price
    Packing: Packed in metal boxes suitable for Airfreight
    Shipment: By Airfreight
    Destination: Buyer’s Choice (Free Zone)

    kindly get back to me if we can work together. We will discuss our terms once I hear from you.
    Please write to my personal email address below.

    Email: ta7338612@gmail.com

    Best regards,
    Mr. David Ngadama.

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