July 21, 2024

Hey. I Yulya am very pleased to write to you.
That’s just, I do not know if you remember me or not.
But I will hope for the best. And I will be very glad to see a letter from you.
According to the rules of good etiquette I need to introduce myself)
My name is Yulya, I am 29 years old. I live in Russia. I do not have children. And I had never been her husband.
Currently, I am in search of his men. I’m old enough girl. And it’s time to think about family life. After all, time mercilessly.
He does not care. It goes its way and does not stand still. And I’m afraid that I’ll have to spend old age in solitude…
As they say I’m afraid to stay in the old maid), but I think that we should not start our acquaintance with bad thoughts.
So do not let the bad. And why not tell you a lot about yourself. I am independent and not dependent woman.
I work for myself and earn a living. But lately, the feeling of loneliness does not leave me… I’m tired of being alone…
I think you will agree with me that if a girl is not her husband, and she does not have a young man, then she has to be strong.
Here I am tired of being strong! I want to feel loved and desired again. Feel the warmth and care.
And I am sure that very soon the luck will be on my side, and I meet this man…
I am not interested in fleeting attraction, affinity for one night and not a serious relationship! I want to according to the sincere and true feelings.
To moved the feelings of love you and give you strength for each day! Do you know what I mean? What do you think about this?
I would be very interested to hear your opinion. Share with me your thoughts) Write me something about yourself?
What are you looking for? Maybe the girl you’re looking for, there must be what that certain qualities?
Write me, I will look forward to hearing from you.
Your new friend Yulya


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