September 9, 2024

Major Garry Williams Need your assistance to move the sum of (US$28,000,000.00) Twenty Eight Million United States Dollars

From: Maj. Garry Williams <americanmajor>
Subject: Awaiting Your Urgent Response

Greetings Beloved Friend,

My name is Major Garry Williams. I am an American soldier, presently in Afghanistan for the training, advising the Afghan forces and also helping in stabilizing the country against security challenges. With a very desperate need for assistance, I have decided to contact you for your kind assistance to move the sum of (US$28,000,000.00) Tewnty Eight Million United States Dollars to you if I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care until I complete my service. Some money in various currencies was discovered in boxes at a farmhouse during a rescue operation we conducted in one of the attacks by the terrorists and it was agreed by my colleagues and I that some part of this money be shared among us.

The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a British doctor working with Red Cross, I was able to get the package out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot. he does not know the real content of the package, and believes that it belongs to a American medical doctor who died in a raid here in Afghanistan, and before giving up, trusted me to hand over the package to his Family.

I have now found a much secured way of getting the package out of Afghanistan to you for pick up and I will discuss this with you when I am sure that you are willing to assist me. I am ready to compensate you with 40% of the $28 million USD for your assistance.

I do not know how long we will remain here, and I have been shot, wounded and survived two suicide bomb attacks by the special grace of God, this and other reasons I will mention later has prompted me to reach out for help.

Please contact me as soon as possible with the following details:

Full Name:
Full Address:
Tel/cell numbers:

God Bless you as I look forward to your positive response

Truly yours,

Maj. Garry Williams
Kabul Afghanistan

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