July 20, 2024

James Stocklas about to donate a huge amount through you.

My name is James Stocklas, This is my Third Email to you, I am at the end of the
road, and about to donate a huge amount through you.

I promise that your assistance would be rewarded. Please reply back to me for more email: hwalkbs8@gmail.com

Remain Blessed
James Stocklas

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1 thought on “James Stocklas about to donate a huge amount through you

  1. I’ve been receiving emails from a group called John Holt Solicitors informing me that a man named James Stocklas has left me $18, 400,000 dollars! They say in order to release the funds I need to send around $1,200 dollars to a Oak North Bank in England. How do people determine when they are being scammed?
    James Stocklas
    Jan 25 (5 days ago)

    to me

    I am Mr. James Stocklas. I am 67 years old and I’m from Pennsylvania, United State of America. I was diagnosed for cancer for about 2 years ago. Am sorry to contact you in this manner but please bear in mind that i find your contact in international directories with World Health Organization. I will be going in for an operation later today. I decided to WILL/DONATE the sum of $18,400,000.00 USD (Fourteen Millions Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to you for the good work of the Lord.

    Contact My Lawyer with this email:
    Name: Barr John Holt
    Email: john.holt@jhsolicitors.com

    Contact him and inform him about the WILLED 18.400M in your name by quoting my personal reference number DL/MJS/898/1015/UWRL/916US/UK. As soon as you contact him with this details quoted above, he should be able to recognize you and help in claiming this amount from my Bank. Be informed also that I have paid for the state tax on this money to be transferred to you.

    Mean while you are advised to keep this mail and it contents confidential as i really want my wish accomplish at the end of the day. Please do pray to God for my recovery.

    God Bless you.

    Mr. James Stocklas

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